
Act Like the President

Think of yourself as the President of You Inc. Then imagine that you have various departments each with a different part of you as the Vice President in charge of that department. By using this model you can ensure that all necessary aspects of your life are being attended to and the quality of each aspect is maximized. There are many possible departments in this model but I will address those that I think of as most important for a successful, rewarding life. Since it is a business model let's start with money.Finance and AccountingThe role of finance and accounting in a business is to ensure that the business is getting the best value for what it earns and spends. This is obviously useful in personal life as well. By being aware of where your money comes from and where it goes to and monitoring this with the aim of getting the maximum value, you will avoid wasting money on things that don't really enhance your life.Research and DevelopmentResearch and development plays two major roles in a business. Firstly it ensures that the business and its products and services don't become outdated and lose their significance or value in the market place, and secondly that the business will develop new products and services that will add new value to the market place and thereby increase business profit and help the business grow to the next level.Most people are living outdated lives. After the age of thirty or so their life is much the same year in and year out. If you think of the research and development model then you will allocate some regular time to ensuring that you continue adding value to the world around you and that you look for ways to improve or watch repair grow that value. Your life will be on a path of continuing development and so it will be rewarding to you as well as those you interact with.Sales and MarketingThe purpose of a sales and marketing division is to ensure that the products and services provided by the business are purchased by paying customers. A good sales and marketing division acts to keep existing valuable customers coming back while also adding new customers. It aims to leverage the products and services in such a way that the customers receive the benefits that they are seeking and the business receives the profits that it deserves.If Android Phones You Inc. includes a sales and marketing department then you will be finding ways to leverage your skills and abilities to add value to the market place and maximize your profits in the form of income from your job or business.ProductionHow does You Inc. currently produce its products and services? By products and services I mean everything that you contribute to the world around you not just the things you exchange for money. Are there more efficient ways that you can enhance this world you live in? Are you producing the best output for your unique set of personal abilities and experience?How much time do you spend getting the most out of your life and how much time do you just idle away? These are areas that the Vice President of Production is responsible for.Customer ServiceIn this model of You Inc. customer service is a metaphor for relationship management. How well are you handling the relationships in your life? Are there ways in which both you and the other parties can be getting more rewards from those relationships?Management MeetingsThe role of the President of You Inc. is to be responsible for your total performance in life. Part of this strategy is to have regular meetings with the Vice Presidents from each division, to set goals and to monitor progress. I suggest that you take this approach seriously and actually have a meeting with yourself once each week. It might seem a bit odd initially but when you see the results I think you will soon get over this feeling of strangeness. Taking this regular time to be aware of each of aspect of your life represented by the various departments can help you gain a very satisfying life and help you become all you can be. Why not give it a try

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